Returns & Cancellations

We offer a 30-Day Money Back Guarantee on our entire catalog.

To ensure your complete satisfaction, we have implemented a simple and effective return policy.

Here are the 4 scenarios:

1. You wish to cancel or modify your order

We process the orders you place quickly, usually within  24 hours or 48 hours. For this reason, you have  24 hours or 48 hours after ordering to send a cancellation or modification email on our form of  contact. Beyond this  deadline, your items  will probably have been shipped.

2. You have not received your  package

Our delivery times are 7 to 10 working days.

If you do not receive your item within 28 days, SO, contact us to report an item not received.

For more details, check out our delivery policy.

3. You received your item, but you are not satisfied with it

Don't worry! You can return to us your article  up to 30 days after receipt.

To be eligible for a return, your item must be unused and in the same condition that you received it.

Here's how to do it in 3 steps:

1. Contact the support to  to notify us that you are going to make a return.
2. Print and fill out  THE return form.
3. Send your article along with the form to the address we will send you by email.

The item(s) must be returned in perfect condition, either in their original packaging or in another. In the event of damage to the item,  Our customer service may refuse the return, replacement or refund, as the item can no longer be considered new. If the item has been misused it will not be refundable.

After receiving the item in our warehouses, we will refund you the full amount of your purchase (cost of the item + delivery) in the form of a voucher. Return costs remain your responsibility.

4.  You received your item, but it arrived damaged

It may happen that your package is shaken during delivery and your item arrives broken.

In this case or in the case of a design defect, contact us with the following details:

1. Your order number
2. Description of the problem  (wrong article)  / defective, ...)
3. A photo or video

You will not need to return the product and we will refund the amount of your order directly to you in the form of a voucher.